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Musik >> CD - Soundtracks

Soundtrack - Herr der Ringe, die Gefährten [CD]

Soundtrack - Herr der Ringe, die Gefährten [CD]

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Der Herr der Ringe, die Gefährten - The Lord of the rings [CD] Music composed, orchestrated and conducted by Howard Shore. Featuring two new songs by Enya.
Tracks: The Prophecy + Concerning Hobbits + The Shadow Of The Past + The Treason Of Isengard + The Black Rider + At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony + A Knife In The Dark + Flight To The Ford + Many Meetings + The Concil Of Elrond (featuring "Aniron (Theme For Aragorn And Arwen)"* composed by Enya + The Ring Goes South + A Jpurney In The Dark + The Bridge Of Khazad Dum + Lothlorien + The Great River + Amon Hen + The Breaking Of The Fellowship + May It Be* composed and preformed by Enya

Preis/Bearbeitungsentgelt (i): 5.00