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The Story of The Eagles - The Long Run. Marc Shapiro (Omnibus Press 1995)

The Story of The Eagles - The Long Run. Marc Shapiro (Omnibus Press 1995)

Inhalt: Intrduction
Chapter I - Hell freezes over
Chapter II - The flight to the promised land
Chapter III - In the city
Chapter IV - Meet the Eagles
Chapter V - It's not easy being an eagle
Chapter VI - Hello hits, bye bye Bernie
Chapter VII - The last day of a good Eagle
Chapter VIII - The long run
Chapter IX - Breaking up is easy to do
Chapter X - Nobody just retires
Chapter XI - Time passes, things change
Paperback 165 Seiten Format 155x235mm, Omnibus Press London 1995.
Das Buch ist gebraucht und hat einige Gebrauchsspuren.

Preis/Bearbeitungsentgelt (i): 8.00